Productive Partnerships

​Siena holds the belief that parents contribute significantly to improving student outcomes with their active involvement in the school.  There are many opportunities for parents to be involved at a class, community and parent body level.  Research shows that your time enriches and accelerates your child's learning.

We have a combined Primary/College parent body across the two schools.  The normal executive positions exist in this body.  There are a number of sub groups or committees which assist in specific areas to support identified needs across both schools. Outlined below are the roles of each of these groups.

Classroom Assistance

Class teachers regularly seek assistance with Reading, Spelling, special days and class liturgies.

Library Assistance

​The library welcomes parents to assist with re-shelving and covering books.

Special Events
Throughout the year there are the following social activities that rely on parent assistance 
​Class Excursions
Parents wishing to go on class excursions are required to have completed the Parent Volunteer Training.
​Class Parent Rep ​ ​Each class has a parent rep to assist with supporting the class teacher in building collaborative relationships within the school. Class Reps liaison with the class teachers to support the teacher with different class and school activities.  School Class Reps meet with the principal once a term.
Parents and Friends ​​ ​There are various roles to be filled on the P & F each year – President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Social Convenor, etc.  Meetings are held the third Tuesday every month and all parents are welcome to attend.
Schools Board ​​

This Board encompasses both the College and Siena Primary and is part of the governance structure of the schools and as such supports the Principals and Staff of the schools as they undertake the processes involved in the education of students at the schools.

The Board's responsibilities extend to pastoral/advisory planning and decision making in areas such as of policy making, provision and maintenance of school buildings and equipment, budgeting, communication and curriculum. The Board ensures that the Archdiocesan policies are implemented and that school policies are consistent with these policies.

The Board is not responsible for the internal administration of the Schools, but offers a pastoral sounding board to the Administration and Leadership Team. 

The Board convenes six (6) times per year to provide support to both the College and Primary Principals. The current membership as follows:

Ex-officio Members

Spiritual Leader - Fr Peter Brannelly, Parish Priest, Stella Maris Parish
College Principal - Mr Patrick Toohey

Primary Principal - Mr Gren Bucklar

Elected Members

Chair - Matt Byrne
Parents - Phillippa Bess (Secretary), Michael Staskiewicz, John Cranley, Kate Manttan, Debi Marr, Garth Smith
College Staff - Justine Stewart

Primary Staff - Emily Tredrea

The Board's “term of office" is for three years, after which some members will step down but others remain for a further three year term to ensure continuity. No elected member can serve on the Board for more than two consecutive terms.

To be eligible for consideration for membership of the Board, prospective members must take part in an educative process to ensure they understand the concept of the pastoral nature of the Board. These are held in the year of the Board “change over".

​Finance Committee​ ​​Provides a consultation process to address school financial issues, assists in the monitoring of school finances, supports the principal with planning and management of school finances, and monitors and approves an annual school budget.  Finance Committee meets once a term.


 Both parents and staff form these groups and develop goals to assist the school in providing a quality Catholic education.  Meetings are held on a needs basis during the year.  Parent contributions assist in building healthy partnerships and a strong sense of school community here at Siena.